We speak of the Civil Rights Movement…

Of the legacy of the struggle. Of how far we’ve come – by faith…leaning on the Lord.

But have we really? Have we come this far because we’ve been leaning on the Lord? Or have we been leaning on another lord?

Do we remember the God of our fathers and mothers? Do we remember the promises God made to them? Do we remember the promises God made to us?

Do we remember freedom? Do we remember what freedom is?

We damn sure should know what it isn’t…

With all that we’ve seen over the past few months: the explosion of vitriol, and the support for and encouragement of that vitriol from the highest seats of power in the land, we should know – unequivocally – what freedom is not.

It ain’t this…

We need to go back and fetch it. #Sankofa.

We need to return to the Hush Harbor and remember. We need to get “in the Spirit,” be transported to that space and time with our ancestors, and re-member: knit together the Body that was dismembered by white supremacy during our sojourn in America.

And having remembered – and having been re-membered, we need to bring that memory into the present: giving that memory life such that we can walk worthy of the future the Lord has to have planned for us.

But are we ready for freedom? Or will we simply keep pretending like freedom is right around the corner – even in this neighborhood?

What do you think? What would a “liturgy of remembrance” entail for you? Do you think we already have a proper memory? 

Check out this episode of Blacks with Power and post your thoughts in the comments!

Do Black People Really Want Freedom?

I wonder…

You see, the Israelites had abandoned hope in deliverance as well, in Egypt. They cried out in suffering but weren’t crying out to God…they didn’t expect God to care…to come to their aid. They didn’t expect that the Lord would deliver them from the Egyptians.

But, once the Lord had proclaimed His coming deliverance the people began to prepare for it. And by preparing for deliverance, the Israelites were ready to leave at a moment’s notice.

Are we ready for deliverance? Are we even preparing for it like we expect it to come?

This Sunday, by God’s Grace, we will look at the Israelites in Egypt, just before the Passover. What are we invited to learn from them about “leaning on the Lord” and “trusting in His Holy Word,” knowing that “He never failed (us) yet”?

Join us at 9:30AM EST on Sunday, September 6, 2020 on JahBread TV. I’ll unpack this Word – based in Exodus 12:1-14, telling you what I see there. Then we’ll have Q&A where you can share what you see and we will study it all together.

Click the link above or the video below and choose to “get a reminder” so we can be together!


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