Journey to the Promised Land
Are you disappointed by what you see in the world? And do you find yourself let down by what you see from the Church? Not necessarily your church – although there may be struggles there as well. But, from THE Church…as in, the global church.
In America’s most depressed communities – urban and rural – you can find a church on every corner. Prosperity preachers build million dollar empires by peddling the Gospel as an opiate designed to induce a euphoric state that renders the faithful numb to the social conditions in their own lives and in the world around them. And while the people suffer, the Church seems to be focused on protecting its brand: shuffling priests between locations and burying the skeletons of pastoral misdeeds, hoping to maintain the status quo.
It still is as Howard Thurman asked in Jesus and the Disinherited: “Why is it that Christianity seems impotent to deal radically, and therefore effectively, with the issues of discrimination and injustice…? Is this impotency due to a betrayal of the genius of the religion, or is it due to a basic weakness in the religion itself?” Jesus healed people simply by His word…by touching them – even by them touching Him! The Apostles healed people when their shadows passed over them! Yet, we’re supposed to believe that the “same” Church is powerless in the world today?
Journey to the Promised Land speaks to all people who feel abandoned or unfulfilled by the Church. Born in the midst of personal turmoil, I present it as a ministry to others who find themselves searching, hurting, questioning, broken.
There must be a better way!
Journey to the Promised Land represents the hope of those who believe that the way of Jesus Christ offers more – more than what we see in the world, more than what we are told by the Church, more than even what we can ask or imagine ourselves. It is the expression of the Gospel, a journey to wholeness and love.
Compiled as an outlet for my poetic musings on the Word of God to those who may feel abandoned or unfulfilled by the Church, Journey to the Promised Land was a ministry to myself in the midst of my turmoil, and I present it as a ministry to others who find themselves questioning religion.
The hope of this album is to join with those who believe that the way of Jesus Christ offers more than what we see in the world. Journey to the Promised Land is an appeal to those who seek a more authentic witness of the Gospel, where we are able to admit our brokenness and journey together to a place of wholeness.
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