dating lifelong

When it becomes hard to love your wife, there’s a surefire way to regain that “loving feeling.”

…or are you going to say you never find it difficult to love her? You do realize that love is probably the most difficult thing a person can do, right? So…back to what I was saying! LOL

There’s one easy thing you can do to help you regain that loving feeling you want and need to have for your wife: dating. And no! Not dating “other people!” #GodForbid!

Dating each other will help you regain your motivation to love her

But, I think our perception on dating is shortsighted. When we speak of dating, most of the time we think of single people. But what about lifelong dating? What is that and why is it important?

Do you remember what it was like to court your lady? Remember what you did to get her to want to be in a relationship with you?

I know I do. And, I remember always wanting her time. I wanted nighttime dates, midday dates, and morning dates. All the time I could get, I wanted it because I didn’t want her spending time with anyone else…I wanted to prove to her that spending time with me was a good investment.

In order to do this, I was creative. We walked the art district, to look at the various art galleries. We went to the zoo. I took her dancing. On one occasion, I even cut up little party sandwiches, bought plastic champagne flutes, a nice bottle of champagne, and took her to the beach for a picnic. I wanted to wow her with the variety of my dating, in order to keep her interested and engaged…to keep her wanting to go out with me.

I did all of this while I was a single dad, raising an 8-year old boy. In this space, it was easy to love!

Reclaim that Loving Feeling.
Download the free eBook Now & get a new perspective on love!

I’m sure you have a similar story, right? We all pull out all the stops when we find the woman we want in our lives, right? Right?

And it works! We convince this stranger to open herself up to us and engage with us. We compel her to spend time with us and share her life with us. Ultimately we gain her commitment to us.

But it all started with a date…it all started with dating.

Even once – especially once – you have “gotten the girl,” dating is still critical to keeping her. Dating is critical to staying motivated to do those “loving things.”

But once we’ve won her heart, it’s so easy for us to focus on other things: career, children, hobbies, friends, etc. And when our attention is diverted, the relationship gets stagnant. We might remain together…we might still “love” each other, but you aren’t willing to do all the things you used to do…something’s missing.

And the “missing something” is that key ingredient that helps you to maintain joy and peace in your relationship. With a commitment to lifelong dating you are able to continuously renew that joy and peace. A commitment to lifelong dating helps you to create the atmosphere that will revive the level of intimacy you are able to have in your relationship. In other words, dating will help you refocus on the work of loving your wife, and you’ll have more sex as a result!

You should want to master the art of lifelong dating

When you become committed to lifelong dating it will help you to open the lines of communication between you and your lady. It will help you to have fun together, and give you some joy to remember when times get tough. Lifelong dating will help you to replenish your love and create more love, in order to strengthen your relationship.

I want to share a free chapter of my book that talks more about love. It’ll help you find a reason – despite any frustration – to invest in the work of love. Check it out!

Love doesn’t have to be difficult.
Download the free eBook Now & get a new perspective on love!

So, what is your story? Tell me the stops you pulled out when you found the woman you wanted in your life! What was it like? How did it make you feel?

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