Make America Great Again. That is the refrain of one half of the American Electorate. And I get it:...
Tag Archive for: Election
Rethinking the Mandate for President Obama after the Status Quo Election
Fr. Jabriel, , Blog, Barack Obama, Democrat, Election, Politics, Republican, 0A polarizing election leaves us polarized in its wake. On the Left, the stance is that Barack Obama’s victory...
Now that Barack Obama has Won a Second Term – A Wish List
Fr. Jabriel, , Blog, America, American, Barack Obama, Election, Romney, 0First, congratulations to President Obama. Yet, I am sitting watching the election results, feeling a bit “blah.” I see...
The Conundrum of Blackness and Voting When the President is Black
Fr. Jabriel, , Blog, Barack Obama, Election, Politics, Romney, Voting, 0As time winds down on Election 2012 and the race for President of the United States between President Barack...
Negroes, We are Free to Use Our Natural Minds in Electoral 2012
Fr. Jabriel, , #BlackLivesMatter, Blog, America, American, Barack Obama, Democrat, Election, Faith, Mormon, Politics, Racism, Republican, Romney, 1I continue to receive emails from fellow Black Republicans trying to sell me – and others – on support for Mitt...