Walk in Love

“Walk in love as Christ loved us…”

That’s what the Paul says in Ephesians 5:2. But what does it mean to walk in love?

Of course it means to be guided by love…to let love flow through you. But that’s so abstract. It’s so cliché. But that explanation doesn’t tell us how to walk in love in real life.

To walk in love is more than an abstract concept. It is really possible, and the word of God tells us how to do it. Paul gives us practical guidance to make this walk, but we have to determine to take and live by his advice.

Are You Willing to Walk in Love?

If so, then there are some clear steps you can take. These steps are clear and simple, but not easy. You can’t walk in love, on auto-pilot. You have to be diligent at it because our default position is not love. Our default position is steeped in self-interest: what’s in it for me.

So, you have to change your default position. You have to replace that perspective with the perspective of love. You have to grow a perspective that places concern for other far ahead of your concern for yourself. Can you do that? I’m sure you can. Are you willing to change your default position?

The life of love is so much better than the life we live by default. It is so worth changing your default position so that you can really walk in love. I want to show you some things in the Scripture to help you make that walk a reality. That is the goal of this week’s message. I invite you to listen and post your questions, comments and thoughts – whether in agreement or in objection.

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