I remember in grade school we had teachers we just loved for all the wrong reasons. They were the teachers who would let us indulge our sinful desires: our desire for disobedience, to do what we wanted to do, to cheat on tests, to completely ignore them…

Then there were the other teachers we loved because they were just so damn cool…

Like the ones who would sense that we were struggling on a test and decide to “go for some water” in the middle of the test, giving us a few minutes to confer with one another and curb the grades in real time. The ones who would show more movies and play more games than provide actual instruction.

That’s a tendency we never really lose, unless we have acknowledged it and extricated it intentionally.

But if not…it’s a tendency that follows us into adulthood.

We tend to want the leader to lead us in the way we want to be led. If the leader doesn’t lead the people in the way the people want to be led, the people go find another leader.

We tend to find a leader who will lead us in the way we want to be led.

Pastor Moses wouldn’t do what they want…So they turn to Pastor Aaron…

We talked in depth about the Hebrew people in exile, on this episode of Blacks with Power. And now the Israelites have caused a tremendous offense.

Moses had been absent a few days on the Mountain of the Lord, and when the cat’s away, the mice will play.

They found Aaron…Knowing Aaron’s spirit & tendency they contend with them. And Aaron acquiesces, building them a golden calf. And proclaiming that idol to be their god…the god that had freed them.

He acquiesced to their will, as they likely knew he would…

What does Aaron’s leadership say about the Israelites? And how does that lesson help us overcome the problems of Black Leadership in these times?

That’s our exploration in this session of Bread for the Way. Join us live at 9:30AM EST on JahBread TV.


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