The Blessed Virgin Mary is a treasure, I always love to explore.

Western Christianity doesn’t speak on her much – it’s always been more important for the Western Church to diminish womanhood than it has been for the West to proclaim the Gospel of Liberation. So, we miss the precious gems which come from the Mother of God.

Yet, she is the one who offered up the flesh by which the Word was incarnate. And there are great riches for those who would explore the depths of her personhood. Whenever there’s an opportunity to preach with St. Mary as the foundation for exploration, I must take that chance!

St. Mary’s experience in society provides comfort to us as Black people. Our experience is similar to hers. What was done to her has been done to us. The efforts to subjugate. The efforts to ostracize. The efforts to marginalize and convince her that she was inferior.

We know that experience…

Yet, her soul magnifies the Lord, and her spirit has rejoiced in God her Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; and behold, from then until now, all generations call her blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for her, and holy is His name.

Why is she able to say that and why still cry out begging white power to acknowledge that Black Lives Matter?

That’s what we will explore this Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 9:30AM EST on JahBread TV. Click the reminder button and join us live for the Word and Q&A discussion.


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