Where are all the leaders? Who’s going to lead our people?

We always seem to find ourselves looking for new leadership, after having been betrayed by past leadership. Always learning too late that the leaders are misleading…

In this quest for the mattering of Black Life, we want – should want – to find the way the we should be following. The way that we ought to be following the Way, right?

Because if we were following the Way of the Lord, we’d be free of this cry for mattering…right?

So, why do we keep making poor choices in leaders to follow? And how do we begin to make better choices?

In this supposed reset in the wake of the Trump Era, we need to be sure to follow the right leaders out from under the filth that has been unearthed. So, we’ll be looking at Acts 20:28-31 & Jude 1:3-23 to see what the Faith has to say to us in these times.

Join us live Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 9:30AM EST on Youtube, Facebook & Twitter.


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